What You Need to Know About Different Types of Coffee Beans?

When we think about how coffee is classified and marketed, the most common terms that come to mind are roast profiles or origin. This data is quite beneficial in determining what to anticipate from a certain coffee, but it doesn't cover everything. And if you're a serious coffee drinker, you've undoubtedly wondered about the different types of coffee beans that exist and what makes them special. We've got the answers!

Types of Coffee Beans

Did you know that there are actually several different types of coffee beans? Arabica is the most common, accounting for 60-70% of all coffee produced globally. However, there are three other types: Robusta, Liberica, and Excelsa. Of these three, Robusta is the most popular. Keep reading to learn more about these different delicious types of coffee beans.


Arabica coffee is the most aggressively marketed coffee in the world. That's because Arabica beans have a sweeter, more delicate flavor and are generally less acidic. Arabica beans are grown in areas with high elevations above sea level, particularly those that receive a lot of rain. In fact, Brazil is the world's biggest supplier of Arabica beans, thanks to its lush tropical rainforest. The plants themselves are rather fragile and need regular pruning and monitoring for environmental concerns. The coffee arabica species is more disease-prone than others, making farming it in large quantities difficult and costly. But many people think the bean's softer, sweeter flavor makes it worth the extra money on a global scale.

What Do They Taste Like?

The majority of gourmet coffee companies claim that they use 100% Arabica beans because these beans are regarded to be the best quality variety. They're recognized for their smooth, complex taste and distinct lack of bitterness. You'll be surprised at the variety of flavors you can find in Arabica coffee beans, depending on where they're grown. Earthy Indonesian, floral Ethiopian... there's a whole world of flavor waiting for you to explore!


Robusta coffee beans are second in global production, after Arabica, and are most popular in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Its name accurately reflects this bean's robust flavor profile. Robusta coffees have high caffeine content, making them more resistant to pests and diseases than Arabica varieties as the caffeine in these beans serves as a natural insect repellant. Because robusta is sometimes known to have an unpleasant burnt or rubbery flavor, it is not commonly consumed as a coffee commodity except in locations where extremely strong coffee is customary.

What Do They Taste Like?

There are times, however, when delicious, high-quality Robusta coffees find their way into retail stores. These are generally single-origin coffees created by hand or by small roasters. The finest Robusta coffee beans will have hints of chocolate and rum in their flavor profile, but they aren't always accessible. At the end of the day, if you just want a cup of coffee to get your daily dose of caffeine, you'd probably do just as well with a normal cup of Robusta and cream and sugar to balance it out.

If you are intrigued by Arabica and Robusta beans then read Arabica vs Robusta: What is the difference between the beans? to find out more about how they fare against each other.


Liberica coffee beans are quite a rarity. Their growth is restricted to climates in the countries of South-East Asia. But due to the coffee being scarce and the popularity of Arabica beans, farmers cannot meet the demand from global consumers. Even still, many people consider the beans a pleasant surprise. The coffee's aroma has been said by some to smell like fruit or flowers and tastes "woody."

Liberica coffee was once quite popular. A plant disease now known as "coffee rust" had begun to spread and kill nearly all of the Arabica plants around the world near the conclusion of the nineteenth century. Because coffee was such a valuable commodity, farmers and government bodies searched for alternatives to reestablish production even at that time. The Philippines were the first country to harvest and sell the Liberica plant in significant quantity, establishing a prosperous economy as a result. The country was a United States territory at the time, but as its economy expanded, it declared independence. As a result, the United States imposed severe economic sanctions and halted deliveries to the nation. As a result of this, Liberica coffee beans were ultimately phased out in the global market due to a lack of initiation from other nations to grow them.

What Do They Taste Like?

Liberica coffee has a controversial and divided reputation among aficionados. Those who have tried this unique variety either adore it or despise it. Some people enjoy the odd, nutty, woody flavor and backbite on the finish. Others consider the taste to be like that of burnt nothingness.


Excelsa is frequently mistaken for a member of the Liberica family due to its similar appearance, but it is actually quite distinct. Grown primarily in Southeast Asia, this coffee type makes up only a small percentage of the world’s production. Unlike other coffees, Excelsa has a tart, fruity flavor that sets it apart from others. It also exhibits the characteristics of both light and dark roast coffees, giving it an innovative profile that many people seek out.

What Do They Taste Like?

Excelsa beans have a very unique flavor, which is light on aroma and caffeine but still has the depth of flavor that you would find in a dark roast. The tart notes and fruity flavors are more reminiscent of a fruit-flavoured coffee than anything else. You can sometimes find these unusual beans in blends because they add complexity.

The coffee culture has certainly been a widespread wave on the global stage. The truth of this can be seen in the various types of coffee beans that this craze for the beverage has birthed. And whether you buy coffee online or shop for it on the shelves of your nearest supermarket, you are guaranteed to find quality products refined to the pinnacle of coffee flavour that you seek. The same goes when you shop for coffee from the best coffee brands in India. Try our Signature South Indian Filter Blend made of 100% Arabica beans coffee beans that will take your taste buds through the exquisite taste of coffee of South India.

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