How to Make a Strong Cup of Coffee

The perfect strong coffee, that exquisite blend of rich body, bold flavour and clean aftertaste, first thing in the morning is an ideal way to kickstart any fine day. Now you might be wondering how you can enjoy that intense, strong coffee in the comfort of your home? Well, we’ve got you covered! Let’s understand how to make strong coffee, and we’ve got not one but two ways to achieve it!

How to Make Strong Coffee

Strong coffee is not just a bitter, highly caffeinated concoction that can keep you awake for hours. It’s much more than that! It should be an intense, bold and flavorful cup. There are several ways to make a solid strong coffee, but let’s check out two easy ways for you to enjoy your favorite strong hot beverage at your home.

Choose A Darker Roast for a Stronger Coffee

Choosing a darker roast is an easy and sure-shot way to get that perfect cup of strong coffee. Dark roasted coffee beans are shiny black beans coated with natural oils that have been roasted for a longer time, and they ooze a bold intense flavor. The longer your beans are roasted, the stronger the intense flavor gets, and a dark roast is the ideal personification of this theory. There are several kinds of dark roast, ranging from full city roast or Vienna to the French Roast

Choosing one from so many options might be challenging, but we’ve got you covered here as well! You can head over to our website to buy coffee online and choose from a wide variety of diverse flavors. You can try our Vienna Roast Coffee Bean, which has a bittersweet chocolate, burnt caramel, toasted walnut flavor notes to it for a strong yet balanced cup of coffee. And should you be craving a super intense and dense cup, we’d suggest our French Roast, a dark roast that exudes a bitter, intense flavor with a slight cocoa undertone.

Increase Extraction Time for a Stronger Coffee

Here’s a simple tip to keep in mind while learning how to make strong coffee- shorter the extraction time, weaker the coffee, longer the extraction time, stronger the coffee. Another thing to keep in mind while tweaking around with the extraction process is that darker roasts are better with shorter brew times and lighter roasts with longer brew times. Choosing the right roast matters a lot, and a medium-dark roast would be the ideal coffee to work with while going for an increased extraction and brewing time. 

We reached out to our baristas for a way to help you understand this point better, and this is what we got - Take a French Press as an example. Now instead of plunging and drinking coffee after 4 minutes, which is the recommended brewing time, leave it for an extra minute for more extraction. And that’s it, as simple as drinking a handcrafted cup of coffee from any of the many Third Wave Coffee Cafes across India.

Now that we’ve given you an idea of how to make strong coffee, the choice is yours, whether to go for one of the darker roasts or to work with an increased extraction time. No matter what you choose, understand that you’re a step closer to getting that perfect intense, rich concoction to wake you up! And if you’re feeling a bit more creative, you can always play around with the amount of coffee to get that ideal taste you’ve been craving for. Or just head over to our Cafes, and we’ll make sure that your coffee cravings are satisfied.